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Про­вер­ка IELTS Speaking

Ди­а­гно­сти­че­ское те­сти­ро­ва­ние ва­ших на­вы­ков го­во­ре­ния в фор­ма­те IELTS Speaking

Хо­ти­те про­ве­сти «ре­пе­ти­цию» уст­ной ча­сти IELTS и по­лу­чить де­таль­ный от­чет, с ре­ко­мен­да­ци­я­ми и воз­мож­ным бал­лом? За­пи­ши­тесь на ди­а­гно­сти­че­ское те­сти­ро­ва­ние в exam-english.

Ни­же пред­став­лен об­ра­зец от­че­та, со­став­лен­но­го экс­пер­том IELTS для од­но­го из сту­ден­тов*.

IELTS Speaking Test Performance Report

Fluency and coherence

Fluency: Your answers are rather fluent, though some language-related pauses occur, especially in Part 3

My advice: don’t speak too fast. It is OK to take a bit of time to think of what you are going to say. Choose to talk about the ideas that would demonstrate how wide your vocabulary & grammar range is, rather than just answer the question with the first thing that pops up in your mind.

Coherence: Generally, you produce cohesive and clear answers, but some can be improved in terms of structure. See the example below:

Part 1 question: What type of films do you like best?

Answer: I’m crazy about detectives. I think they are fascinating, but I also can see some another types of films, but I prefer to do this.

A good way of structuring your response is this: give a point→ explain it →illustrate it

Possible fix:

I’m crazy about detectives. I think they are fascinating because every story is an intellectual challenge that requires me to solve some puzzle. Last week, for instance, I ended up binge-watching the entire season of ‘Sherlock'!

Some discourse markers are used (actually, regarding our country, I think, for example), but you can try more + add some variety. For example, instead of ‘I think', which is repeated quite a few times, try phrases like In my opinion/ To my mind/ The way I see it and the like.

Illustrate your points in part 3:

Question: How is the way your national celebrations are celebrated now different from the way they were celebrated in the past?

Answer: We use different things to make our cities and houses look more nicer. The idea is constant, but the appearance a little bit changed.

Possible fix:

Now we decorate our houses and cities differently. With advancements in technology, New Year decorations have become more dazzling and visually appealing.

Lexical resource

Resource sufficient to discuss topics and length. Vocabulary might be inappropriate but the meaning is clear.



Q: What type of films do you like best?

Part 2: I'm crazy about detectives (Part 1)

You’ve used ‘be crazy about' instead of repeating ‘like', which is great. In part 2, also try to paraphrase the task. Instead of saying ‘the most important event in my life was…', paraphrase, e.g. ‘I’m going to tell you about a day when I made a crucial choice of my life, namely choosing a university where I am studying for my PhD".

Growth areas:

Inappropriate word choice

It’s a complicated question —> it’s a difficult question

boundaries is smooth → the borders are disappearing

it’s difficult to catch what exactly they (teenagers) like right now→ it’s difficult to keep up-to-date with what they like…

this trend will be relevant in the future→ we’ll see the same trend in the future

shops with some journals → magazines (or it’s more likely that you meant ‘comic books')

prefer to watch cinema→ watch films/ movies


I think (see above)

teenagers are interested … and they are also interesting…→teenagers are interested in X, as well as Y

Note: for Band 7 and above, you should be able to use less common and idiomatic language. Work on building topic-based vocabulary.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy

produces a mix of short and complex forms, though the latter are few. Mistakes occur in both types of sentences, but they don’t impede communication


Perfect Tenses

I have been working for …

Note: use contractions to improve your fluency

Second conditional

If I had a chance to change, I wouldn’t change.

Used to to talk about the past

It used to be…


Growth areas

Avoid repetition

e.g. It was


I do my PhD study—> I’m doing

everything is changed → everything has changed

We don’t have such a variety that we have before.

I’m satisfy my studying → I’m satisfied with my studying

Too many simple sentences

I didn’t know anything. I didn’t know ‘has' and ‘have'. I had many problems.→

Modals in the past

You must to … (about the past)

Articles/ prepositions

I have obsession — > I have an obsession with shopping


Word order

The most time that I spend is usually in online shops—> I spend most of time doing shopping online

Do you work OR are you a student?

Yes, I’m both a students and a worker


A range of features is used. Can be easily understood throughout.

Individual words mispronounced:

some /sʌm/ /səm/


sometimes /ð/ is changed for other sounds /s/ /f/

Possible score: 6/6.5

*Все сту­ден­ты exam-english про­хо­дят бес­плат­ное ди­а­гно­сти­че­ское те­сти­ро­ва­ние IELTS Speaking и IELTS Writing в на­ча­ле и в кон­це кур­са.