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The world of work is changing rapidly: IELTS essay

Пред­ла­га­ем Вам озна­ко­мить­ся с об­раз­цом эс­се (IELTS Writing Task 2), на­пи­сан­ным од­ним из на­ших пре­по­да­ва­те­лей.


За­да­ние (с офи­ци­аль­но­го сай­та IELTS) зву­чит так:

Write about the following topic:

The world of work is changing rapidly and employees cannot depend on having the same job or the same working conditions for life.

Discuss the possible causes for this rapid change, and suggest ways of preparing people for the world of work in the future.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


The working world is now very different to what it used to be. In the past, many individuals could rely on having permanent employment throughout their lifetimes, whereas today employees often have to change their jobs or working conditions. This change can be attributed to technological progress, namely to the rise of the Internet and automation.

First, the growth of the Internet has dramatically changed the working conditions for millions, as most of companies were forced to do their business online. To illustrate, about ten years ago teaching mostly happened face-to-face in a classroom. Later, with the spread of videoconferencing services and other tools for online learning, many instructors had to change their working conditions and switch to working online. Secondly, the spread of automation has decreased the demand for low-skilled workers. This is because they were displaced by machines or had to compete with them. As a result, these employees saw their jobs disappear or their wages reduce.

Therefore, to be better prepared for the future world of work, businesses and individuals need to take technological progress into account and keep pace with it. One thing that needs to be done is redesigning our education systems so that they incorporate the study of technology. If students are knowledgeable about technologies that are used in their fields, they will be better specialists and, consequently, are more likely to be in great demand as workers. Besides, employees need to be provided with continuous on-the-job training on how to use technology. This will help them become more complementary with machines and perform their tasks effectively.

To conclude, increased insecurity at work is due to the spread of the Internet and new machines. Hence, at schools, study of these technologies should be emphasized, and in workplaces, high-quality training has to be provided.

Words: 299

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