IELTS Speaking вопросы
В статье представлено 2 образца теста на говорение, которые можно использовать на самостоятельной тренировки
IELTS Sample Speaking test #1
Part 1:
- What is your full name? Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Can you tell me a little bit about your hometown?
- What do you like most about your hometown?
- What do you think are some advantages of living in your hometown?
- Are there any famous landmarks or attractions in your hometown?
- What changes would you like to see happen in your hometown in the future?
Part 2:
Describe a memorable event in your life that you celebrated. You should say: - what the event was
- where and when it took place
- who you celebrated with
- how you celebrated
and explain why this event was memorable to you.
Part 3:
- Why do people celebrate important events in their lives?
- How do people usually celebrate important events in your country?
- Do you think that people spend too much money on celebrations?
- Are there any disadvantages to celebrating too much?
- Do you think that different cultures celebrate events in different ways?
IELTS Sample Speaking test #2
IELTS Speaking Part 1 - What is your full name? Can I see your ID?
- Do you work or study?
- What do you like about your job/studies?
- Do you prefer to work/study in the morning or at night?
- Do you like to travel? Why or why not?
- Have you traveled outside your country? Where have you been?
- Do you prefer to travel alone or with friends/family?
- What’s your favorite type of food?
- Do you like cooking? Why or why not?
IELTS Speaking Part Part 2
Describe a place you have visited that has left a strong impression on you. You should say: - Where the place was
- When you visited it
- What you did there
- And explain why this place left a strong impression on you.
IELTS Speaking Part 3:
- Why do some people like to travel to new places?
- Do you think it’s important to learn about a place’s history before visiting it?
- How can traveling to different places benefit people?
- In your opinion, what are some of the negative effects of tourism?
- Do you think people should try to learn about the local language and culture before visiting a new place? Why or why not?
- How have advancements in technology impacted the way people travel?
Рекомендации для самостоятельной подготовки к IELTS Speaking
- Изучите типичные вопросы по каждой теме и подготовьте план ответа. Не пытайтесь заучивать ответы наизусть, но старайтесь представлять в голове структуру ответа и основные аргументы.
- Попросите друга или преподавателя по английскому языку задавать вам вопросы на английском языке. Это поможет вам практиковаться в ответах на живом языке и развивать навыки общения на английском языке.
- Записывайте свои ответы на видео или аудио, чтобы выслушивать их и анализировать свои ошибки и улучшать свои навыки.
- Слушайте записи носителей языка и попробуйте повторять их ответы. Это поможет вам улучшить произношение, интонацию и акцент.