IELTS Speaking Task 2
Что такое IELTS Speaking Task 2
IELTS Speaking Task 2 — это вторая часть теста IELTS Speaking. В этом разделе кандидат получает карточку со словами или темой, содержащей вопрос по определенной теме. Затем кандидату дают одну минуту, чтобы подготовиться и сделать заметки по теме, после чего ему предлагается говорить в течение 2 минут на данную тему.
В течение 2-минутного выступления кандидат должен говорить по теме карточки в последовательном и организованном порядке, обращая внимание на все аспекты темы и используя соответствующую грамматику и лексику.
После того, как кандидат закончит выступление, экзаменатор может задать дополнительные вопросы, связанные с темой, или попросить кандидата дополнительно пояснить свои идеи или мнения. Экзаменатор будет оценивать способность кандидата говорить на английском языке на основе нескольких факторов, включая беглость, последовательность, грамматическую правильность, произношение и использование лексики. IELTS Speaking Task 2 предназначен для проверки способности кандидата выражать свои идеи и мнения по заданной теме в ясном и организованном порядке.
Пример реального задания IELTS Speaking Part 2 (IELTS Speaking 2 sample task)
Данное задание взято из сборника Cambridge IELTS 13.
Describe a time when you started using a new technological device (e.g. a new computer or phone). You should say:
- what device you started using
- why you started using this device
- how easy or difficult it was to use
and explain how helpful this device was to you.
Пример ответа IELTS Speaking Part 2 (IELTS Speaking 2 sample answer)
A few months ago I started using a new laptop computer. My old laptop had become slow and outdated, and I needed a new device for work and personal use.
I decided to buy a MacBook Pro, which is a high-end laptop computer made by Apple. I chose this device because I had heard great things about its design, performance, and reliability. I also liked the fact that it came with a user-friendly operating system and a suite of built-in applications.
When I first started using the MacBook Pro, I found it very easy to set up and use. The interface was intuitive and the keyboard was comfortable to type on. I also appreciated the high-quality display and sound, which made watching movies and listening to music a pleasure.
One of the things I liked most about the MacBook Pro was its speed and performance. It was able to handle multiple tasks and applications at once, without slowing down or crashing. This was especially helpful for my work, as I often need to use several programs simultaneously.
Overall, I found the MacBook Pro to be an incredibly helpful device. It made my work and personal tasks more efficient and enjoyable, and it allowed me to stay organized and productive. While it was initially an expensive purchase, I feel that it was worth the investment and I would highly recommend it to anyone in need of a reliable and high-performance laptop computer
Больше заданий IELTS Speaking Part 2
- Describe a special meal that you have had. You should say:
- When and where you had the meal
- What the meal was
- Who you had the meal with
- How you felt about the meal
- Describe a time when you had to wait in a long line. You should say:
- Where you were waiting
- Why you had to wait
- How long you had to wait
- How you felt about the wait
- Describe a memorable experience you had while traveling. You should say:
- Where and when you had the experience
- What the experience was
- Why the experience was memorable
- How the experience impacted you
- Describe a piece of technology that you find useful. You should say:
- What the technology is
- How you use it
- Why you find it useful
- What might happen if you didn’t have it
- Describe a time when you received good news. You should say:
- What the news was
- Who gave you the news
- How you felt when you received the news
- What you did after receiving the news
- Describe a place you would like to visit again. You should say:
- Where the place is
- When you visited the place
- Why you want to visit again
- What you did while you were there
- Describe an outdoor activity that you enjoy doing. You should say:
- What the activity is
- Where you typically do it
- Who you do it with
- Why you enjoy it
- Describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision. You should say:
- What the decision was
- Why it was difficult
- How you made the decision
- What the outcome was
- Describe a time when you had to use your imagination. You should say:
- What the situation was
- What you imagined
- Why you had to use your imagination
- How you felt about using your imagination
- Describe a change that you would like to see in your local community. You should say:
- What the change is
- Why you think it is important
- What difficulties there might be in making the change
- How the change would benefit the community.