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IELTS problem-solution essay: струк­ту­ра

При­мер за­да­ния

In many cities, traffic congestion has become a major issue, causing delays, pollution, and frustration among residents. What measures can be taken to alleviate this problem? Discuss possible solutions and provide examples to support your ideas.

Струк­ту­ра эс­се

Эс­се «Problem-Solution» в фор­ма­те IELTS обыч­но со­сто­ит из че­ты­рех ос­нов­ных ча­стей:

  1. Вве­де­ние (Introduction):
    • Об­щий кон­текст про­бле­мы, ко­то­рую вы бу­де­те рас­смат­ри­вать.
    • Крат­кое опи­са­ние про­бле­мы и ее важ­но­сти.
    • Фор­му­ли­ров­ка те­зи­са, в ко­то­ром вы ука­зы­ва­е­те на то, что пред­ла­га­е­те ре­ше­ние про­бле­мы.
  2. Па­ра­граф с опи­са­ни­ем про­бле­мы (Problem Description):
    • По­дроб­ное опи­са­ние про­бле­мы и ее при­чин.
    • При­ве­де­ние фак­тов, дан­ных или при­ме­ров, под­твер­жда­ю­щих на­ли­чие про­бле­мы.
    • Убеж­де­ние чи­та­те­ля в се­рьез­но­сти и ак­ту­аль­но­сти про­бле­мы.
  3. Па­ра­граф с пред­ло­же­ни­ем ре­ше­ния (Solution Proposal):
    • Пред­ло­же­ние ва­ше­го ре­ше­ния про­бле­мы.
    • По­дроб­ное объ­яс­не­ние, по­че­му ва­ше ре­ше­ние эф­фек­тив­но и воз­мож­но ре­а­ли­зо­вать.
    • Предо­став­ле­ние ар­гу­мен­тов, фак­тов или при­ме­ров, под­дер­жи­ва­ю­щих эф­фек­тив­ность ва­ше­го пред­ло­же­ния.
  4. За­клю­че­ние (Conclusion):
    • По­вто­ре­ние те­зи­са, вы­ра­жен­но­го во вве­де­нии, и ва­ше­го пред­ло­же­ния ре­ше­ния.
    • Окон­ча­тель­ное под­твер­жде­ние важ­но­сти про­бле­мы и необ­хо­ди­мо­сти при­ня­тия мер.
    • Об­щая за­клю­чи­тель­ная фра­за, под­во­дя­щая итог все­му эс­се.

Важ­но пом­нить, что каж­дый па­ра­граф дол­жен быть ло­ги­че­ски свя­зан с преды­ду­щим и по­сле­ду­ю­щим. Так­же об­ра­ти­те вни­ма­ние на ис­поль­зо­ва­ние со­от­вет­ству­ю­щих свя­зу­ю­щих слов и фраз для по­ка­за по­сле­до­ва­тель­но­сти и связ­но­сти идей.

Об­ра­ти­те вни­ма­ние, что струк­ту­ра эс­се мо­жет незна­чи­тель­но от­ли­чать­ся в за­ви­си­мо­сти от кон­крет­но­го во­про­са или те­мы, по­это­му важ­но вни­ма­тель­но про­чи­тать и по­нять тре­бо­ва­ния за­да­ния пе­ред на­пи­са­ни­ем эс­се.

Об­ра­зец от­ве­та:

Introduction: Traffic congestion has become a pressing problem in urban areas, leading to various negative consequences for residents. In this essay, we will explore effective measures that can be implemented to alleviate this issue and improve the overall quality of life for city dwellers.

Problem Description: The increasing number of vehicles on the roads has resulted in severe traffic congestion. Rush hours are particularly challenging, with long delays and slow-moving traffic becoming the norm. This situation not only wastes valuable time but also contributes to environmental pollution and heightened frustration among commuters.

Solution Proposal: To address this issue, a combination of short-term and long-term solutions can be implemented. Firstly, improving and expanding public transportation systems can encourage more people to leave their cars at home. Increasing the frequency of buses, trams, and trains, along with providing dedicated lanes for public transport, can make it a more attractive and efficient alternative. For instance, the implementation of a reliable bus rapid transit system in London has significantly reduced traffic congestion during peak hours.

Secondly, promoting the use of bicycles and walking can have a positive impact on traffic congestion. Creating well-designed cycling lanes, bike-sharing programs, and pedestrian-friendly infrastructure will encourage residents to opt for these sustainable modes of transportation for shorter distances. For example, cities like Amsterdam and Copenhagen have successfully integrated cycling as a primary means of transportation, reducing the reliance on cars and easing traffic congestion.

Furthermore, implementing congestion pricing can be an effective measure. By charging higher fees for driving in congested areas during peak hours, cities can incentivize commuters to seek alternative routes or choose public transportation. This approach has been successfully adopted in cities like Singapore and Stockholm, resulting in noticeable reductions in traffic congestion.

Conclusion: In conclusion, traffic congestion in urban areas can be mitigated through a combination of measures. Improving public transportation, promoting cycling and walking, and implementing congestion pricing are effective strategies that can alleviate the problem. By implementing these solutions, cities can create a more sustainable and efficient transportation system, reducing delays, pollution, and frustration among residents.